8/7/2018 Safety Emails

Emails between Anne Williams (parent of Park Side student) and Heather Mitchell (Park Side director), discussing safety needs for the swing project.

From: Heather Mitchell <redacted>
Date: Tue, Aug 7, 2018, 10:11 PM
Subject: Re: Shed
To: Anne Williams <redacted>
Hi no worries have fun on your trip. I am sorry you misunderstood. I just needed your help about the ground cover for the weeds like we did on the side by the gate. I know what to do about everything else for safety and licensing purposes. Please send me the box information when you can.
Thanks again

On Tue, Aug 7, 2018 at 10:07 PM Anne Williams <redacted> wrote:
We have been traveling for almost two weeks but looking forward to being home later this week.

I would be happy to give you details about the garden boxes I built. I can send you details on Friday. I only have my phone with me and it will be easier when I am at a computer.

I have researched the new playground area and the materials needed. Honestly, I don’t feel comfortable determining what materials are needed because I am not an expert on playground safety (for example depths of material needed, securing materials properly). I would feel awful if a child got hurt because of my inexperience with playground safety. Have you considered consulting with an expert? It may be worth the extra cost to get it done quickly and correctly.
