Surprise inspection yields new citation

Last week, on 1/14/2019, CCLD visited Park Side for an unannounced inspection. Most elements were in order, including parent acknowledgements of the previous Type A (“immediate risk”) citations for the swing frame. One new Type B (“may become” a risk) citation was issued. You can read the report here.

The citation was issued because Park Side was unable to provide a current roster, including name, parent and doctor names and phone numbers. I was able to verify with CCLD that Park Side did have the required information about children in care. It was located on Rolodex cards. Due to this format, Park Side couldn’t provide CCLD a copy on request, as the law requires. A version using the standard form was sent to CCLD later that day.

Following legal requirements is of course important, but all evidence is that Park Side had contact information available if it became necessary.